
"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
Audrey Hepburn

Friday, 27 February 2015

Le Petit Eguisheim

La Navette de Noël yang dia tunggangi dari Colmar akhirnya menepi di pemberhentian terakhir. Stop bernama Eguisheim.

Tidak disangka perjalanan singkat, bisa dikatakan kurang dari lima menit, meninggalkan kesan tersendiri baginya. Bagaimana tidak? Pertama, harapan mega akan adanya kereta kencana pupus seketika karena kereta kencana yang sedianya muncul malahan digantikan bus bolak-balik bahkan tanpa ornamen natal, barang sedikit saja. Publikasi pemberi harapan palsu, ucapnya. Selanjutnya, panorama unik dan berkesan sepanjang perjalanan. Hamparan kebun anggur meranggas di musim salju, yang mungkin dianggap tidak berharga bagi orang lain, namun menjadi pemuas mata untuk dia. Bagaimana tidak? Bayangan kebun anggur yang kerap dilihat sepanjang bermain Harvest Moon akhirnya bisa dilihat dengan nyata. Padang luas, rangka tiang penyangga, dan serpihan dahan anggur kering yang tersisa.    

Eguisheim. Eguisheim. Eguisheim. Hati mulai dudu dadam. Isi perut bergemericik. Bukan karna lapar, namun terlalu riang.

Sedari persiapan perjalanan, bayangan indah tentang desa ini senantiasa hilir mudik di benak dia. Konon katanya desa ini kecil dan rupawan. Jika hal cantik itu kecil, bukankah kamu akan lebih menghargainya dibandingkan jika dia besar kan? Ah, dan kala Noël menyelimuti Eguisheim, sihir khusus akan tertuju kepada semua pengunjung, untuk semakin jatuh hati kepadanya.  

Dinginnya siang yang menembus jaket tebal tidak lantas mengurung niat dia untuk turun dari bus. Dengan yakinnya dia berjalan dari halte menuju gapura selamat datang. Beruntung langsung ada papan berisi peta desa. Jadi dia tidak perlu ragu atau bimbang untuk mulai langkah pertama kemana. Saat itu hanya ada dua jalur pejalan kaki utama, yakni lingkar luar dan koridor tengah. Maka dengan mantap dia memilih untuk menjalani yang awal lebih dulu.

Langkah kakinya menapaki jalan kecil beralaskan tumpukan batu yang tidak sama besar. Rentetan rumah cantik di kiri dan kanan, himpit-berhimpit satu sama lain. Ada yang dindingnya terbuat dari kayu, ada pula yang dari batu. Ornamen warna-warni pastel nan lembut, biru muda, hijau muda, merah muda, atau krem. Satu sama lain berbeda. Ah, dan pahatan hati kecil berpasangan di daun jendela kayu. Aah…


Belum, itu baru menjelaskan separuh dari kecantikan lingkar luar Eguisheim. Nuansa Noël tak ayal membumbungkan paras indah Eguisheim. Palungan Yesus, boneka beruang, hiasan kayu natal, mistle-toe, pita dan dedaunan, dan entah benda-benda manis lainnya yang tak terbayangkan sebelumnya. Semua ditata apik di pintu, jendela, balkon, atau pekarangan rumah. Semua keluarga mendadani rumahnya secantik mungkin, bak mengikuti lomba hias rumah tingkat desa. 


Seperti apa rasanya dia saat itu? Sungguh, tampaknya tidak ada kata yang pantas menjelaskannya. Yang pasti, 20 menit yang dia lalui untuk berjalan dari satu titik dan kembali ke titik yang sama itu sungguh mempesona. Hati senang dan sangat berbunga laksana di negeri dongeng!
foto ini diambil teman perjalanan dia ;)

Lain tempat lain cerita. Sangat terpuaskan dengan jalan lingkar luar desa, saatnya dia melangkah menuju koridor jalan utama Eguisheim. Seperti jalan-jalan besar di kota pada umumnya, pemandangan himpitan rumah kecil sebelumnya seketika berubah rupa menjadi rumah dengan dua tingkat dengan peruntukan pertokoan untuk lantai dasar. Bersyukur karna ini momen natal, toko-toko itu turut meramaikan suasana dengan menghias eksterior dengan ornamen natal yang sungguh cantik. Suasana natal itu lebih terasa saat dia berjalan memasuki toko, senandung Noël yang berirama saling sahut-menyahut, pernak-pernik souvenir natal bertebaran dimana-mana, dan sesekali aroma cake yang baru diangkat dari oven menyeruak kemana-mana.


Tak banyak buang waktu, dia kembali berjalan menuju jalan utama dan melangkah menuju Christmas market. Satu kata yang bisa merepresentasikan pasar itu. Imut! Saat Christmas market di kota tetangga, Colmar, bertebaran dengan riuhnya di seluruh penjuru kota, Christmas market di Eguisheim sangat kecil dan cantik! Chibi!

Gapura berhiaskan lilitan dedaunan, serpihan ranting kayu dan beberapa berry dan bunga kecil menyambut dia untuk memasuki kawasan pasar natal itu. Beberapa chalet tertata rapi dengan bentuk semi elips. Penjual dengan senyum menghias wajah mereka berjualanan pernak-pernik natal, hiasan buatan tangan, fruit cake, dan vin chaud (gluhwein versi Perancis) atau coklat hangat dengan asap yang menyembul-nyembul. Terlalu indah untuk dinikmati sendirian, keriaan itu dinikmati gerombolan keluarga dengan anak kecil, pasangan muda, maupun pelancong lainnya pula.

As wise man said, save the best for the last. Ditemani kerlap kerlip lampu kota yang menemani sinaran bintang dan dinginnya angin malam, dia turut menikmati opera natal di balai kota. Anak-anak sekolah setempat menjadi pemeran utama, pun ditemani orang tuanya. Kisahnya tentang kehidupan pohon cemara yang ditebang di musim dingin tuk dijadikan pohon natal di kediaman suatu keluarga. Kala itu bahasa tidak menjadi kendala dia untuk menikmati pentas. Ekspresi lugu, kostum lucu, dan suara lembut anak-anak itu  sudah sangat menghibur dia dan ratusan penonton di sekitarnya. Puas !


Jam menunjukkan pukul 7. La Navette de Noël terakhir sudah menunggu untuk mengantar dia kembali ke rumah. Sekalipun perjalanan ini harus berakhir, cerita ini akan terus melekat di hati dan pikirannya. Sungguh, dia sangat siap untuk menceritakan kecantikan Eguisheim ke teman-teman lainnya. Supaya kelak di natal-natal selanjutnya, teman dia, teman dari temannya dia bisa berkunjung dan turut membuktikan kecantikan si mini Eguisheim pula.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Help for no reasons

In Bahasa:

 Gambar dari ini

Dalam sebuah perjalanan, saya percaya akan makna penting dari perjalanan itu sendiri.
Bukan akhir dari perjalanan yang dituju.
Mengapa? Karna tatkala bergerak, ribuan hal akan terjadi.
Dari sanalah kita bisa belajar banyak.
Belajar akan makna kehidupan dan belajar untuk lebih bersyukur.

Menolong dan ditolong.
Pelajaran yang kembali saya peroleh sepanjang perjalanan di Prancis di liburan natal tahun ini.

Tidak hanya satu-dua kali, kami dibantu oleh orang lain yang tidak kami kenal.
Saat kami sangat membutuhkan bantuan terkadang tidak.
Juga berupa bantuan berwujud maupun tidak berwujud.
Dan kesemuanya adalah bantuan yang tidak bisa ditolak.

Hanya rasa syukur dan ucapan terimakasih yang dapat kami lontarkan.
Serta pikiran untuk melanjutkan bantuan tersebut kepada orang lain.

Disini saya belajar bagaimana seharusnya sesama manusia membantu.
Tanpa pandang siapa orangnya, apa statusnya, dan segenting apa kondisinya.

Kata orang, berbuat baik ke orang lain itu menular.
Sudah pasti di kemudian hari, kebaikan darimu akan kembali ke dirimu.
Nah, jadi tunggu apa lagi?
Spread the kindness to everyone, and the same thing will goes around.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Fiore Firenze

As I stated before, during Italian trip last summer I kept making myself busy by jotting down notes. Everything that appealed me, let’s say Italian hand gestures, current feeling, refreshing flavor of gelato, or tiring foot after long walk, I just wrote it as soon as the thought popped up.

Being in Firenze after Venezia, my intention to write was reaching its peak (i guess). Gently and gradually, Firenze showed its charm to me. It was like more and more edges passed, I found more comfort, beauty, and uniqueness.

Firenze is popular in having numerous museums with prominent collections like sculptures and paintings (Adam sculpture supposed to be the famous one). Well, you don’t have to be an art-and-culture-addict to completely enjoy the real Firenze. As for me, instead of spending time (and money) to admire “unknown-art”, I prefer to explore the other iconic spots of Firenze.

Tough she is a medium city compare to Paris the gigantic city or Cesky Krumlov as small one, she offers almost complete package of a nice city! How can I say like that? Okay, enough with blabbering introduction, time to share few of my notes which copied directly from my notebook.
Could I say that the people are too creative?
Unique signage and artistic graffiti are common things in Firenze. Lucky me, during the trip I kept founding “cute” ornament around the city instead of grudge or hardcore art (which I can’t understand).


Presenting countless of pleasant food, whatever your budget are
Before going to Firenze, one of my Couchsurfing friend said that I had to optimize my appetite in Tuscan. She said that Tuscan cooking is historically rooted of Italian cuisine, and Firenze is one of the birthplaces of Italian gastronomy. No wonder I easily enjoy the taste of simple Margherita pizza, Schiacciata (try this Tuscan focaccia bread that has salt and olive oil on the crust) with Finocchiona (my goodness, this Florentine’s salami with fennel seeds was a blast!), Cornetta con Nutella, and more and more Gelato with affordable price.

Divergence of aura in each piazza
I am big fan of piazza, or plaza, or park. It is favorite place where I can sit the bench or part of building’s stairs, staring others, enjoying the shine and daydreaming (sometimes). I was little surprised knowing that there are big number of recommended piazzas in Firenze based on lonelyplanet. Will it be like numerous piazza in Rome which focus on its particular building architectures? The answer is not :D The longer I stayed in each piazza, the more I felt different atmospheres which are proper for moody people (like me). Hehe.
Piazza San Spirito, the name perfectly represents the feel of the piazza, filled with people’s spirit. J You can find local market selling food, clothes, kitchen utensils, with loud Italian buyers in the morning. When afternoon comes, you can see running children around the piazza. And when it starts to be dark, group of youngster gossip and laugh together with small glass of wine on hand. Uhlala..
Piazza del Duomo, placed in the center of Duomo- Cathedral of Santa Maria de Fiore and dainty cafes surrounded. It offers charms of green-pink-white exterior of Cathedral. No wonder you will feel the sense of touristy around.
Piazza S.M. Novella, perfect place to relax by seeing beautiful flowers in the piazza. Don’t forget to get fresh gelato that easily found in Gelateria around. Best partner for lazy-me-time. 
Piazzale Michelangelo, which offers beautiful Firenze. I can’t say anything else. More details later.

Having three iconic spots which perfect enough for a not art-addict like me

Ponte Vecchio
The moment when I walk down from Via De Guicciardini to Via Por Santa Maria by crossing Ponte Vecchio was totally memorable. Tough it was quite loaded with flow of people; the exterior of jewelries stalls got full attention of mine indeed. The banners and rooftops were totally totally totally charming and elegant with wood nuance.

At the end of bridge, just turn right and walk along Arno River. Slow but sure, you will see unique block of buildings at the opposite of your stand and colorful and unique Ponte Vecchio at the right. I was lucky enough to get reflection of them on Arno River due to summer sunshine :)

Duomo- Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore
When other churches in Europe dominantly painted with white or gothic color, it stands differently with its own color which is combination between pink, green, and white. Eye catching and beautiful like Fiore (fiore means flower). Besides, it also has the largest dome ever constructed. You can capture whole beauty of the cathedral from Piazzale Micheangelo.

Piazzale Micheangelo
Having experience in climbing Gellert Hill to see the beauty of Budapest in 15 minutes, firstly I assumed that I had to do the same thing again to enjoy Firenze from above. Ta da… with less than 10 minutes and low slope hill, I finally reached Piazzale Micheangelo. Happy and disappointed at the same time since I had prepared high spirit and energy as well. Hahaha.

Magnificent panoramic view of Firenze. By standing in one place, I can grab picture of Firenze starts from Forete Belvedere to Santa Croce, not forget to mention the iconic Ponte Vecchio, Duomo, and Palazzo Vecchio. No wonder it becomes one of the best place not only for tourists but also Fiorentine. As I stated before, here you can witness beauty of full Cathedral from Façade till Duomo part. 

And one more, on the way down you could find a small park with petite bench and nice view. I was sitting there when the church’s bell rang coincidentally. I have no suitable word to express my feeling at that time. :”)

You don’t need daily or three days transport travel pass to roll around the city

No need to open your purse to pay for bus or tram to hop the touristic spots. Just prepare proper shoes and full energy. Most of the spots can be reached by walking, since they are quite concentrated in one big area. Moreover, you will enjoy most of your time during walking because the city itself is too beautiful (the building’s exterior, piazza, sculpture, and so on). Ah, be careful with the carved window, I was stumbled once because of too excited with the sky. Clumsy me -_-

After spending some days in Venezia without urban transportation at all, I felt stressful somehow due to high density of scooters, cars, tourist bus, and small pedestrian. All in one in centrum area. Kind of like being in commuter line to Jakarta in peak hour. Haha.

By now, you should be interested to come to Firenze, the best medium city that I ever visited till now. Seriously! If not, kindly read my too-random-thought below and try to check and find the answer there. Until the next post, ciciciciaooo!


Peep tip:
I found that purchasing coffee during morning will cost you less than during afternoon in some coffee shop here. You could see it from separate prices mentioned in the board.

Author of Pinocchio, Carlo Lorenzini, lived in Firenze for quite long time. That’s why you will find many Pinocchio woody-puppets as souvenir.

Too-random thought:
It was very common to see old vehicle, bicycle or car, around the city. I was wondering whether they have no money to get the new one or they appreciate it too much. Well, I love the way locals, both old and youngster, cherish their old vehicle.

Why do people build wall connection between two houses in the second floor? What is the main function? Or is it just an unimportant home decoration? I found it in many houses there.