the pic is grabbed from here
Yesterday, I regret something that I am curious to do for almost 1 year. And when I was sure to do it, on the same day, it cant be done. It will be different if I realize 3 months before.
Ehm, sorry for not making a clear explanation about it. But I'm sure you know the situation.
Then, I think again again and again while my stomach becomes so sick, this is my false.
Why I postpone doing something. Why I dont do it without too many thinking.
Then, I smile and get the important value here, that
1. Hear and do based on your voice within. It resembles you very best.
2. Do and never postpone it. Because you dont know what happen tomorrow and then.
3. Do the best that you can do.
4. And if the result is not good, at least you already try it and you wont be curious and rethinking "why I dont that before"
Anw, it's getting next to the end of 2010. Have you making new or continue resolutions and seeing what you have done in 2010?
Much love from here
great post kak :D i love when you say "And if the result is not good, at least you already try it". really true.
xxoo, Have a great day!
Sometimes I do the same thing as you talk about in this post: Want to something and procrastinate until it can't be done. :/ I'll have to remember your four points and just go ahead and try new things. :)
whoa congratulations! :)
aku pengen banget masuk SAPPK, tapi Mamaku lebih setuju aku ngambil interior design di FSRD. Well honestly I like it too, and I haven't decided yet which one do I like the most. Hope I can figure out the answer soon. Anyway, thank you kak! :)
anyway, this post is inspiring. Thanks :)
This is a great reminder to take chances or else you'll miss opportunities. Happy New Year!
nice post! :)
I often regret the past too but I always try not to make the same mistake.. ^^
Oh it's very simple!
I'm using this tool called 'timer' I think it has in all the camera's these days.
You set the timer on a certain of time (example: 5 sec) place the camera, you pose, and after 5 sec it will take a picture of you :)
This is a good post :)
I try not to regret anything I do but sometimes it is inevitable. <3
looks like fun!!
That is such an awesome photo!
I like it :)
happy holidays!
stop by sometime, xx natalie
I always have to remind myself to always try to do my best! One of my most important resolutions for new year is to do more and try to do my best concerning university. I'm a procrastinator and need to motivate myself more ;)
aw - it's okay dear, it's not the end of the world :)
i think everyone is guilty of procrastinating!
oh great pic =)
hehe i love the picture. have a great new year.
btw, check out my blog and holiday giveaway http://www.fruitylashes.com
i agree! life's all about taking chances! you never know until you try! :)
You have a gorgeous blog, And regrets sure cause up a lot of feelings, Love the picture though!!
Yes, I have made a new resolution and have posted it here:
Thanks for all ! :)
Liz Secret Rendezvous
All exactly true...you are truly wise!
i love the picture! It remind me of my vacation!
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