
"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
Audrey Hepburn

Friday, 17 September 2010

[CLOSED] F21 Statement Ring Giveaway from Me

Gosh, it's been quite long since the last time i tell you about my plan in helding giveaway.
Today, after i take my visa from Dutch Embassy (which is i am so happy to receive it), i go to Grand Indonesia with my hubby. As usual, i always visit F21, and in that time i want to buy a Statement Ring which is popular nowadays. And it is especially for you readers :)

So, now, i am offering you, my sweetest friend a statement ring from F21

pics are grabbed from here

It is a connecter ring, you can use it in two fingers (so adorable). The jewel color is peach, which is so feminine :)

Mandatory Rules
(Please strictly follow the rules, or poorly i will void your entry)

You must be my follower, which is my friends :) and leave a comment about your fav city in Europe and why? cause i will use your advice for my hidden holiday next month :) -> 1 entry

Extra Entries

1. Spread the word by blog it with the first picture and connect it with this post, must leave the link -> 2 entries

2. Spread the word by tweet it with this format :
Join @pintaliztiirene F21 statement ring giveaway at dear
must leave the link -> 1 entries

3. Spread the word by put it sidebar with the first picture and connect it with this post, must leave the link -> 2 entries

4. Follow my twitter at @pintaliztiirene, must leave your username -> 2 entries

Some Details:
This giveaway is open WORLDWIDE (i know the sense when you see adorable giveaway and you cant join it because it is not worldwide). Please leave one comment contains all of the entries :) It will run from 17 September 2010 until 31 October 2010 at midnight at Indonesia time. There is 8 maximum entries for each person. The winner will be selected by a random number generator from all valid entries (those that follow the rules listed above). Winner will be emailed by me and claim his/her prize within 24 hours or a new winner will be chosen. After that, i will send the prize to her/him :)

I wasnt paid or didnt receive anything in any way from F21.

Last, goodluck everybody :)
Have fun with giveaway


Couture Carrie said...

Absolutely gorgeous ring, darling!


Krissey said...

My favorite City in Europe is Paris, France! :) I kno, I kno! its a common place that everyone will say but I always been in love with Paris. I think the reason is maybe because im Haitian and we speak a mixture of Creole and French!lol! and I love to just shop and learn more about there culture then what we see and hear on T.v.

Donna said...

very cute ring :) i would go to rome because they have amazing artwork in the cathedrals. if thats what your into :)

Alexa1202 said...


I am a follower via GFC (Alexa1202) and my email is alexa12_02[at]yahoo[dot]com.
I have 2 favorite cities: London and Vienna :)
I blogged about the giveaway here:


Anonymous said...

asiikkk hehe
enter me plss.. mauu mauu cincin..
i repost here :

following your blog and twitter
tweet here :

put pic on my sidebar.. check out!!

thank youuuu :D

Anonymous said...

berakhir tahun october depan??? ga kelamaan ?? O.O

Josie said...

enter me :) i am following you already!
i think my favourite city is london although i have only spent 1 day there XD
its very big and there are so many things to see and good fashion and stuff.
so: really cool ;D

Oh, My Darling said...

I follow and love the idea of Helsinki, though I've never been there!

Carrie said...

i've never been to Europe, but Paris, France is on the top of my list. It's just so beautiful in pictures. It makes me wonder how gorgeous it would be in real life!

my email is


Carrie said...

i put the giveaway on my sidebar!


Carrie said...

i put the giveaway on my sidebar!


igea said...

My favorite City in Europe is Venice,but this is not because I am italian, but because Venice is a "no-place" a"dream in a dream".
Now,I follow you as "wolfsrain"

wolfsrain said...

I tweet of you giveaway on my twitter profile:

wolfsrain said...

Now I follow you on twitter:my user is wolfsrain777

wolfsrain said...

I post of your giveaway on my candy-blog:

xlacrimax said...

Well, I have only visited one country than I live in and it was the Great Britain. I liked it, especially London - though I wish I had seen more of what it can offer. said...

I'm a follower.
I haven't been to many cities in Europe...but I'd choose Tours (France), because I love that area of France with the castles and that things. But I would like to go to London, Paris, Berlin...well, I'd love to travel everywhere.
I follow you on twitter (beckycd91)

Annika said...

I follow.
And my fav city is probably London, because I will never get tired of it :)


Anonymous said...

I'm a follower.
I love Turin(Italy)...because it's fab!!!
ale84.vercelli at hotmail dot it

Unknown said...

I follow you! and i think you should go to UK. well try a little bit about the different air of non-formal formality. i don't know how to say it, but it'll definitely bring you something good.

Unknown said...

I tweeted

Unknown said...

following you on twitter under CellaMarcellina

glam.spoon said...

I just became a follower... lovely blog you have. My favorite city over seas is London. I spent 3 months there my senior year in college soaking up the atmosphere... I shopped on Portobello Road, ate fish & chips from the corner vendor and drank to life with my friends in pubs, all the while taking in 35 independent and professional theater productions.

skaki said...

i am a follower of your blog.
nice,cute blog.
i love to visit amsterdam someday.
username- ks sn

Karla said...

Such a cute ring!

My fav city in europe (haven't been to many) is Palma in Majorca, I just love love love Spain!

Karla xx

My giveaway can be found here:

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Im a follower! I would say Barcelona, although I have never been there! I am a huge Gaudi and Dali fan so Barcelona is the one place I wish to visit! And I have studied it alot so I would go there if I was you!

Daisy Dayz Home
Cross-Jones-Photography Home
Daisy Dayz Day Zero Challenge

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Im a follower! I would say Barcelona, although I have never been there! I am a huge Gaudi and Dali fan so Barcelona is the one place I wish to visit! And I have studied it alot so I would go there if I was you!

Daisy Dayz Home
Cross-Jones-Photography Home
Daisy Dayz Day Zero Challenge

Anna said...

probably paris, france as i've heard so many good things about shopping there! >.< i've neva been to europe yet

i link ya giveaway on my blog here!
i tweet your giveaway here!

xoxo elle

e: wifluvelle at gmail dot com

Tatieva said...

Elle est incroyable, cette bague à deux doigts ! Mais... comment fait-on pour piocher dans les délicieux cupcakes ?
Tatieva, pink painter

Emily, Ruby Slipper Journeys said...

Cute! Following and I definitely recommend Barcelona! I lived there for 1 1/2 years and it's a beautiful city with great weather, loads of culture, loads of parties... and a beach!

In turn, come join my GIVEAWAY over at Ruby Slipper Journeys!

K A T H L E E N said...

such a fab ring!!
Come Follow & Vote for me xoxo

Caroline said...

As cliche as it is, I love London and Paris.

Vejitayreun said...

I'm a follower on GFC!

My favourite European city has to be either Munich (went there last summer) for the people and the art, or Manchester, for the incredible music scene! ;)

Love Elizabeth Joy said...

I have never been to europe, but I fancy many citys there. Paris and Venice both appear to be beautiful.

Ayca HOSER said...

I follow...

I was born in Istanbul and of course I love Istanbul...


Ayca HOSER said...

Share on twitter...


Ayca HOSER said...

Just request send on twitter (@Ayca_s)


misscaseylee said...

i've never been, but i'm sure milan, italy is amazing!!! i'd love to go to fashion week there :)


misscaseylee said...

i tweeted:

misscaseylee said...

i follow you on twitter @MissLeeThatsME

KimberleyKae said...

I'm a new follower to your blog!
Great giveaway.
I've always wanted to visit Paris, France... so cliche, but its been a dream of mine forever.

mirr said...

There are many beautiful cities in Europe but I suggest you visit Cracow - beautiful architecture, great flea markets and great parties.

Peach Rainbow said...


Peach Rainbow said...

Tweeted here;

Peach Rainbow said...

1. follow on twitter @thepeachrainbow

Peach Rainbow said...

2. follow on twitter @thepeachrainbow

Gabriella said...

My favourite city is Paris because is very romantic and there are many sweet places.
My e-mail is and my name facebook is Gabriella Cirillo. xxx

Aik said...

I'd love to win! I'd love to visit Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower in Paris one day!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

I tweeted:

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

Twitter follower @aikchien

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

The picture in on my sidebar:

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

The picture in on my sidebar:

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Kristen said...

I"ve not been, but I've heard Florence is really beautiful and it's at the top of my list of places to visit!

couponboss at gmail dot com

Vittoria said...

my favorite city has to be london...who cares if it rains? it just seems so full of history to me!

Vittoria said...


Vittoria said...

follow you on twitter @DolphiNV27

Vittoria said...

follow you on twitter @DolphiNV27

entry 2

Rose said...

I follow your blog and my favorite place in Europe, so far, is London. I got to stay for a month a few summers ago and I absolutely fell in love with the city!

Rose said...

I also posted about your giveaway on Twitter here:

Cynthia.Richardson said...

I am a follower via Google Friend Connect (Hofken). I have never been to Europe, but my husband loves Copenhagen. He says it is so beautiful and green (we live in the hot desert of Arizona).

Cynthia.Richardson said...

Tweeted giveaway

paislea said...

i would love that ring. it's perfect. and i love rings! woot!

Zoe said...

i adore Europe and the culture i have travelled a lot around it, both me and my hubby to be have been in band and got to see a lot of places there, I'm in love Venice and Amsterdam ( which get a lot of bad press, but there is an amazing side to it) i adore the cultures, art galleries and architecture, they are amazing and are quite similar in some ways, i know i was meant to pick one but its to hard to choose :)

blessedbeeapothecary{at}hotmail dot co dot uk

Zoe said...

im following you on twitter now :)

under blessesbeeapoth xoxo

Lady Grey said...

Gorgeous ring, daling, and I love your blog.

My favourite European city is Paris.... but it's really hard to choose!

Anonymous said...

Great Giveaway! Thanks for informing me about that on my Blog. I'm so in love with this ring & of course I follow your amazing Blog!
My favourite European City is definitely London!:) I wish I could spending a year as an Au-Pair in London after passing my school leaving examination. I hope that work out!

xx, Alice from bells and whistles.

Anonymous said...

my fav city in Europe is Vienna because of it's history.

my e-amil myfashionmorning at hotmail dot com

Kat said...

You have to go to Adelboden in Switzerland! It's a small town stuck in the middle of the alps. it's really quaint and oh so pretty!

katch05 at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

That ring is so gorgeous and I love that it is so feminine! Thanks for letting me know about it!
I love that you are taking your followers advice about European cities when planning your holiday! That is so sweet. I have several places that I would love to visit in Europe! Sadly I have never been. Top on my list Paris, France. I think Paris would be so much fun and so romantic. We did a post on dream vacations a while back and if you want to see why it is top on my list check out our post:

Starved Fashion said...

i'm following you on gfc! and my favorite city is rome! i spent a year there and it was the best time of my life!
karitsaj at gmail dot com

Starved Fashion said...

i'm following you on twitter @graffitikit
karitsaj at gmail dot com #1

Starved Fashion said...

i'm following you on twitter @graffitikit
karitsaj at gmail dot com #2

Alice Takido said...

Milano. probably the most fashion city in europe *-*

Monika Lintang Retnani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monika Lintang Retnani said...

I follow via GFC as Monik.

If I had to pick one city in Europe, it would be London of course! Followed closely by Barcelona and Gothenburg. Why? Hahaha simply because that's my dream!

Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Tweet about this giveaway, here.

Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Follow your twitter as @monikaretnani.

Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Follow your twitter as @monikaretnani.

Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Link this giveaway on my blog sidebar, here.

Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Link this giveaway on my blog sidebar, here.

Anonymous said...

I would recommend you come to Sofia,the capital of Bulgaria.It's my country and I love it.I know it's not as famous as the other European destinations but I believe you would enjoy your stay here :)

newyorkcitystranger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
newyorkcitystranger said...

My favourite city would be Mallorca. I was in Spain several times because of the warm weather, good and cheap wine, cheese, meat, people, language and Sea! That's why i recomend you to vizit Mallorca.

Phyllis said...

Go to the UK - home of the Queen of England and the Beatles, too!

Phyllis said...

Tweeted giveaway -

Phyllis said...

I put in a request to follow @pintaliztiirene on Twitter. #1


Phyllis said...

I put in a request to follow @pintaliztiirene on Twitter. #2


Lucky Finds said...

I have not been to Europe, but I'd like to see Paris, France if given a chance. I'd love to see firsthand the famous artifacts and the Eiffel Tower which I only read in history books.

I follow through GFC (luckyfinds)
emiliana.sison AT

I follow you on twitter (millette05) and made a tweeted about it

posted the first giveaway picture with a linkback on my sidebar with

I made a blogpost about your giveaway here:

Unknown said...

Hey girl!! I'm finally getting around to joining your giveaway! heheh ^_^ busy weekend for me!

Anyway - i'm a follower now AND my fave european city? I'd have to say Paris - cause I was born there and it's my home. I miss it and wish I could go back and visit. I wanna be able to show off to my husband where I grew up for 8 years!

Unknown said...

OH - I also put your picture on my sidebar with a link to this post.

hegles said...

i follow you (hegles)
Catania is beautiful!!

cornelio03 said...

I would say it is Copenhagen, Denmark! It has a rich history. It is full of historical buildings and ancient streets, and outstanding museums and galleries. I would love to see its monarchy that is considered the oldest in the world and visit the royal Amalienborg Palace in the heart of Copenhagen, where the present Queen, Margrethe II, lives.

I follow thru GFC as cornelio03


cornelio03 said...

Linked this giveaway on my blog sidebar

cornelio03 said...

Linked this giveaway on my blog sidebar

cornelio03 said...

Follow your twitter as @cornelio03


cornelio03 said...

Follow your twitter as @cornelio03


cornelio03 said...



cornelio03 said...



Lauren ♥ said...

beautiful ring! enter me pleasee

Jenn said...

following with gfc and my favorite place in europe was london.

bluebutterflyvintage [at] yahoo [dot] com

Curtney said...

I follow you via Google Friend Connect (curtney anne sison). If given a chance, I would love to see the Vatican City in Europe because it is a dream come true for a Christian to visit where the Pope lives.

curtneysison AT gmail DOT com

Curtney said...

Posted your giveaway on my blog sidebar with a linkback #1

curtneysison AT gmail DOT com

Curtney said...

Posted your giveaway on my blog sidebar with a linkback #2

curtneysison AT gmail DOT com

*Evelyn* said...

I'm a new follower....I love London! I visited 4 times, and I come back again .... is full of life, many things to do, fashion is more advanced, and has a special charm as a city.

Damla said...

I follow your blog (follower name is Damla). I'd recommend Istanbul in Turkey as it's my hometown :)

annabell_lee_dk (at)

Damla said...

1) Blogged:

annabell_lee_dk (at)

Damla said...

2) Blogged:

annabell_lee_dk (at)

Damla said...


annabell_lee_dk (at)

Damla said...

1) Follow you on twitter:

annabell_lee_dk (at)

twannywun said...

my favourite city is Frankfurt - i have loved germany since going on my german exchange for school and still keep in touch with a german friends

twannywun at hotmail dot com

Raine Hicks Wheeler said...

A fantastic ring!!!
I follow your blog.
Sadly, I've never been to Europe. When I do go, I'll go to Paris first!

Annie1 said...

Follow you via GFC


My favourite city in Europe is Edinburgh, Scotland! Love it there, the scenery is just beautiful and the people are so friendly! The shopping wasn't half bad either!


Requested to follow you on Twitter

Requested to follow you on Twitter

I also shared on facebook!/annectaylor1?v=wall&story_fbid=163722460305184&ref=mf


nancyrobster at gmail dot com

Ronda said...

I follow you with GFC. I would love to go to Vienna.

Roxy said...

i'm your friend and my favorite european city is probably dublin. It's just like being in Boston.

hockiemack at

Fellow Rover said...

Hello! I'm a new follower via gfc as khrista porcadilla. I am from the Philippines and have never been to Europe. I would love to visit Ireland someday. I am fascinated by its green fields and music. I think it's one of the most romantic places in the world! Second choice is Germany.
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Fellow Rover said...

i tweeted:
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Fellow Rover said...

following on twitter as bellekhris
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Fellow Rover said...

following on twitter as bellekhris
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Unazebrapois said...

HI!!!I'm a folloower!

For your blinded holidays I suggest London (here you can breath freedom) or in Italy Rome-Venice-Florence, the most beautiful cities ever!!!godd food, happy people, a lot of historical monuments...and nice guys too!!! :D

unazebrapois @ gmail . com

Sara said...

I haven't travelled much, but I'd say that my favourite area in Europe is the French Riviera. It's like a paradise :)

Asteria said...

i LOVE this ring SO MUCH!!!!
so, i have a LOT of fave cities in europe and i thought of giving them all to you for tips:
-italy: 1. florence, 2. siena and ofcourse rome and venice
-greece: 1. athens, 2. all the islands!there's too much to list!
-switzerland: 1. montreux (a bit subjective cuz i lived there for 3 years), 2. zurich (very hip), 3. zermatt

and no, i didnt list paris not by mistake, i just personally don't like the city. but of course it's a must if you've never been :)

ps:i requested to follow ur twitter name is asterialatief :)

Asteria said...

oh and i forgot dublin (gorgeous with gorgeous and friendly men lol), edinburgh, copenhagen (a must!) and stockholm!

Kileen said...

Such a cute ring! My favorite European city is London. So much culture, friendly people, and amazing nightlife!

Also following you on twitter under kileencheng :)

CutieCocoChanel said...

I'm your follower, if i had to pick a place in europe to visit it would definitely be Paris as it is the city of love right? :) and if you ever visit the UK the people up north are more friendly than the people down south!
Thanks for entering me!

Ladyofthelaake said...

Although I'm French, I wouldn't choose Paris, which has been quoted so often above.
I'd go for Gretna Green, in Scotland. This is the city where lovers got married against their parents' will (well a lot of people must already know about that city anyway ^^). I plan to get married there in 2011, so I guess that is my very first choice!

Thank you for hosting this giveaway, this ring is a fabulous one, very original!
I'm following you via GFC - Lolaa
My email is : ladyofthelaake (at)

Have a wonderful day!

hihihi! said...

I am following your blog!! :)
so cute and feminine just like everything else in your blog!
i know its overstated...or understated?
art, city, life

Unknown said...

follower ~~~
favorite city?? hmmm never been to Europe, but probably will be Paris. its the love city *beams*

placed on my sidebar:


followed on twitter: @jelly_telly


Anonymous said...

I'd love to go to Paris! I've never been to Europe though.

Nice giveaway!

1. Am a blog follower, Janinay. :)
2. Tweeted here.
3. Twitter follower ninskylabjusip

eadd is ja9_nina(at)yahoo(dot)com

Thank you!

Ladytink_534 said...

England and Ireland are probably my favorite European cities. I love to read books set there and I would love to visit! Follower!


va said...

I am a follower .
I would like to visit Turkey and/or Greece because they are beautiful in their photos of the countries such as the blue seas and oceans they have . The food is delicious and I like the culture too .

tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Hey, you have a really cute blog, so I'll definitely follow via GFC from now on :)

My favourite city here in Europe is Paris! Cliché, I know, but I haven't been out and about in Europe so much and Paris simply has this certain flair when you roam around there :)
Second favourite is Düsseldorf where I live of course ;)

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

I put your button on my left sidebar on

thelittleowl (at)

Unknown said...

I put your button on my left sidebar on

thelittleowl (at)

Kristin Aquariann said...

I'm following your blog! I've only been to Europe once, and was awestruck by all the cities I visited - but I will choose Brussels, Belgium because of the smurftastic Comic Strip Art Center. ;D

Kristin Aquariann said...

I just requested to follow you via @aquariann!

10Yen said...

I'm following your blog and have tweeted it!/Squidooink

heres my twitter:

I've been to Europe a few times (love europe!) but the city I absolutely love and am dying to go see is Helsinki, Finland. It's fascinating to me because of it being so high up north, the people are nice, and the language is gorgeous. And I love the snow! And am really wanting to see the northern lights, the ice bars and the reindeer. Finland feels like the place for me. And also...a guy I've fallen in love with lives up there. <3

Lokum Hanim said...

What a lovely blog and wonderful giveaway!

Count me in honey =)

kisses and thanks =)

Savannah said...

Please enter me!
That ring is so adorable! I tweeted (@glamgirl2014).


Anonymous said...

That ring is amazing!!!

My favourite city is Rome- the history, food and people are all just amazing! You can just walk around the corner and suddenly there's the Colosseum. It's amazing....oh and the shopping is great too ;o)


My Gorgeous Pink Cheeks said...

Enter me please!

My fave city: Paris
It's the best place to shop, dine and to fall in love :)


Allison said...

I'd like to go to Paris because it seems very romantic.


Camelia Andrasescu said...

Enter me , please.
I follow you via GFC under the name Camelia Andrasescu.
My e-mail :
I love Budapest becouse my husband ask me to merry him there.
Nice giveaway, thank ,you.

Lauren Ellingham said...

My favourite city is London and not only because I live in it, but I think it has such amazing culture. London shopping is one of the best in the world and we have a queen. Enough said?


snow0016 said...

I am a follower on gfc..
My favorite in Europe is Paris. It's better to go there with your hubby since they say it's the most romantic place at night.. ^_^

I posted about your giveaway here:

Tweeted here:

I posted on a link heading back here on my sidebar:

I followed you on twitter. My username is @snow0016.

You're choice is superb! Really like this! ♥
snow0016 at yahoo dot com

Thifa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ľubaša said...

I am your follower. I love Prague in Czech republic since this is a city with great architecture, atmosphere and full of historical buildings. thanks
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

tweeted here
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I ve sent request to be twitter follower 1
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I ve sent request to be twitter follower 2
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

ice pandora said...

Me haz followed and my favorite city in Europe = Amsterdam (I'm from Holland haha)
I will re-blog your osm giveaway tomorrow ^__^ thanks!

Ms and Mr Red Ribbon said...

i dont have twitter, but i wish to join your giveaway. can i choose to blog about this and put your link on sidebar?

Ezzy said...

I love conector rings!! would love to own one :) I'm a follower. I have just been to 2 places ie, france & switzerland in europe. I would advice you to go to paris and disneyland both. I had an amazing time there :)

following you on twitter @lilofeverything

tweeted your giveaway here:-


Unknown said...

I'm a follower of your blog now!

If I'd have to suggest a place in Europe I will go with Italy (I was born there) any city will to if you like History - Rome, Venice, Siena, Verona, Naples....
Have fun!

Clipping Path said...

Hey Very Nice Blog!!! Thanks For Sharing!!!!.

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